Upgraded 22' version are now in stock!
In order to achieve next level durability, WOHO has made whole part of this generation manufactured in Taiwan with enhanced materials. Main rack was now made by 6061T5 Aluminum alloy and came with Nylok treated screws. With numerous tweaks and improvements, stabilizer will be more stable than ever while passing rough terrains.
Check here if you're seeking for pre.22' model's info and instruction.
"WOHO has come up with a rather simple aluminum stabilizing bracket, which I think you’ll agree is pretty damn neat. Mounting on the saddle rails it cradles either side of your saddlebag and keeps it in check. It’s barely noticeable when you have a saddlebag in place! "- Cyclingabout.com, Alee.
"... the ANTI SWAY Bag Stabilizer was one of the first to be independently of a seat bag. And, it offers two additional bottle cage mounts, an interesting solution for desert bikepacking routes or races. " - Bikepacking.com, Logan Watts
“It locks onto most all saddle rails and inserts on the side of your pack. The best part is, the arms of this stabilizer can hold extra water or cargo cages.”
- The Radavist
XTOURING Stabilizer Anti Sway
As a bike-packer, you may found an issue with rack-less saddle bag- annoying sway while riding hard, which may affect rider’s balance. WOHO has now come up with a solution- a light-weight rack connects to saddle rails that hold saddle bag rigid; what’s more, you could have two more bottles* on it!
Place included spacers between bottle cage and rack to prevent bolts rubbing if needed.
*Some saddles with longer offset may not be able to install additional bottles. Bottle cage and bottle are not included in this package.
Universal version: Fits most regular saddles.
Known incompatible saddles: SMP- contact us for specific alternative.
For Brooks B series saddle, please check Brooks fit version.
Size (L x W x H)
13.5 x 12 x 10 cm / 5.3" x 4.7" x 4"
6061T5 Aluminum + Stainless steel
105g / 3.7oz
Recommend maximum carrying weight
1600g / 3.5lb
Not recommend for using on carbon-fiber rail saddles.
Bundle with Dual Side Bottle Cages

新一代XTOURING座墊包穩定架目前已到貨!WOHO 為了追求更加強悍的產品品質,新一代穩定架將完全在台灣製造生產。採用了較難加工但機械性能更強的航太級鋁合金6061-T5作為主要材料,不僅重量更輕(105g)強度也更強。螺絲部分採用不鏽鋼材質加上耐落(NYLOK)處理,在面對崎嶇顛簸路面時,也不會產生鬆脫的疑慮。在功能設計上亦做了各種微調精進,搭配各種尾包皆能使用順手。
此為通用型座墊包穩定架。適用:一般座墊。不相容SMP座墊,請聯繫我們購買特殊版本。若您使用Brooks B系列座墊,請參考Brooks版本穩定架。