【MSR】PocketRocket Deluxe® Deluxe Stove
This enhanced PocketRocket stove boasts premium features, including a pressure regulator that makes it ideal for all-condition environments, offering consistently faster boil times than non-regulated canister-mounted stoves. Just a smidgen heavier (10 g/ 0.3 oz, or the weight of two nickels) than the PocketRocket 2 stove, this ultralight deluxe version features the most durable push-start Piezo Igniter we've ever built and a broad burner head for better heat distribution and simmering. For backpackers traveling fast & light on the trail, or a quick weekend in the Cascade Range, this deluxe model offers one of the best overall cooking experiences in its ultralight class.
- Consistently Fast: Pressure regulator maintains stove's fast boil times even in cold weather & with low fuel.
- Ultralight: Just 83 g (2.9 oz) and ultra-packable; expands the menu options for ultralight backpacking.
- Push-Start Ignition: Fast, reliable piezo lighting; spark igniter is protected inside burner for maximum durability.
- Broad Burner: Improves wind resistance and combines with simmer control for excellent cooking versatility; wind-blocking burner lip.
【MSR】PocketRocket Deluxe 防風火箭爐
PocketRocket Deluxe爐,適應各種環境,即使在寒冷的天氣與低燃料情況中,也能快速沸騰
這款豪華PocketRocket爐具具有較大的分焰盤。附電子打火器,只需按一下按鈕即可點燃,並可適應環境中的溫度,在更寬的溫度範圍內快速煮沸。此款爐具包含一個壓力調節器(穩壓裝置),低溫環境維持穩定火力輸出,其煮沸時間更快。 這款超輕型爐具為MSR推出的爐具中,最耐用的電點火器和較寬的分焰盤。 這款豪華爐具提供了最佳的整體烹飪體驗。
- 快速:即使在寒冷的天氣和低燃料的情況下,壓力調節器也能保持爐子的快速煮沸時間。
- 超輕型:僅80克(2.9盎司),適合給超輕量化的你。
- 加高火口周圍:阻擋側風。
- 內建瓦斯壓力調節機構(穩壓裝置),提升瓦斯汽化效果,有效增加空氣均勻混合,在低溫環境能維持穩定火力輸出,煮沸時間更快,也可將瓦斯徹底使用殆盡。
- 電子點火器:點火器在燃燒器內受到保護,較其他爐具來的更穩定,快速、可靠。
- 強大的噴射型火焰:煮水更快,受風影響較小 。
- Broad Burner:結合文火控制,文火至強火的精細火力調節,提供更出色的烹飪多功能性。
- 爐架:此款爐架面積大,承載力更強。可折疊爐腳,收納空間小,打包容易。(附收納袋)
- 爐身材質:不鏽鋼、陽極處理鋁合金。
商品資訊 | Product Information
- 最小重量 : 80 g
- 打包重量 : 100 g
- 打包尺寸: 寬5.5 X 長4.5 X 高8.3cm
- 燃燒時間 : 約 60 min (搭配 MSR IsoPro 227g 標準瓦斯罐)
- 沸騰時間 : 3.5 min (1L水,搭配 MSR IsoPro 標準瓦斯罐)
- 產地 : 韓國
- 注意事項 : 商品內容不包含瓦斯罐