WOHO Filterbo Water Filter Bottle available now

WOHO Filterbo
Water Filter Bottle
Combine water bottle and filter in one simple bottle, you able to get drinkable water without carry surplus filter, get more storage for your luggage.

Save the time transform water from can’t drink to drinkable, means more time for pedaling or take rest. Ergonomics body design easy to squeeze with quick-seal nozzle, easier to take drink. Perfect to fits most bottle cage. Especially recommend to ultra-racer and bike-packer.

The filter adopts electro-adsorption technology developed by NASA in USA, removes cyst, bacteria, virus, inorganic nano-particles, organic macromolecule (EPS/TEP), PCBs, BPA, medical & chemical pollutants, heavy metals, chlorine, odor and improve taste. o Sports style nozzle is user-friendly. All materials are food grade and FDA certified. No odor, PVC, and toxic contaminants. BPA free, 100% recyclable.

Weight : 106g
Capacity : 700 ml

WOHO Filterbo
隨取隨飲 濾水壺
WOHO 2020 年釋出具備便利性與戶外風格的整合式濾水壺。將濾水與裝水兩個動作合而為一,省去以往濾水器轉換到水壺的動作,符合人體工學外型,讓您汲水後便能直接擠壓飲用,節省比賽 / 旅程中寶貴的時間,只要有水源,不需要另外準備濾水系統,讓您一瓶搞定。適合從事野營,長途單車挑戰賽與單車旅行騎士使用。
採用美國 NASA 研發的電荷吸附技術,有效過濾水中病毒病毒、細菌、重金屬、以及其它雜質。寬口設計濾嘴方便您隨時飲用。水壺本體採用不含雙酚A材質製造,沒有塑膠味影響飲水風味。每隻濾芯可過濾相650瓶瓶裝水/350L自然水。已每日2L飲水量計算可使用4-6個月。
電荷吸附技術 Disruptor
Disruptor 為奈米鋁纖維,為晶化礦石水軟鋁,呈現線性電荷,可吸附次微米物質,特別是帶負電荷物質,並符合凡德瓦定律,全部吸附,無出其外。每一層 Disruptor 材料中有400層奈米鋁纖維結構。
容量:700 ml
價格:750 NTD